Thursday, October 25, 2012

The truth about Sauna aka Grumpy

Here is a true story about a dickless coward named Sauna! Here is the story about Grumpy Sauna. This summer on Dragonsfoot, Sauna, obsessively hating one Professor Thork, decided to hijack a thread to attack the good professor. The moderators bitch-slapped him with a one month ban. Sauna got all crybaby since he could no longer crap on DF's floor. But inspiration hit him. He renamed himself Grumpy and created this blog so he could crap everywhere! Just compare the dates of Grumpy's first blog post with that of Sauna's last post before he was banned on DF. Grumpy then spent the next several months amusing himself by being a shithead, frequently posting obsessive diatribes about Thork, with numerous sexual references. You see the pattern here. Finally folks had enough and started to give him a taste of his own medicine, trolling him. Grumpy started posting more and got careless. Then on October 22, he posts about 1eonline within an hour of Sauna posting the same general sentiment - minus the sexual crudity - on Dragonsfoot. LOL - Busted! Of course, now that the truth is out Sauna Grumpy is desperately trying to sow confusion. He creates false accounts to add comments to his own post. But when confronted with the facts, did he laugh, or deny it? Nope, he got all paranoid - removing timestamps from his posts - and blustered about how nobody on DF cared and how he would keep on posting here. Whatever. We all know who you are Grumpy Sauna. Whether on this blog or on Dragonsfoot, you are nothing but a pathetic little shit.


  1. LOL - if you happen to see Sauna being a shit on Dragonsfoot, ask politely if he is feeling a bit grumpy!
