Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Baby (Sauna) couldn't hack it.

Seems like Sauna aka Grumpy Grognard, couldn't hack it anymore and after some comments in his last postings about attacking people personally for no reason. He hung his head in shame and ran, like a little bitch, stating he "had enough" and "he got it out of his system". The blog as of today's posting is gone and we all celebrate the fact that he is gone. He had a good run, but every once in a while, blogs like his, screw up and people notice things, such as postings times and certain phrases said by someone who sounds like the "Masked Blogger".

Sauna was one of these people, and got very careless or "cocky" at the end. Once he was exposed, he started trying to hide posting times and then started editing comments from people, by deleting it and re posting it to what he felt was the thing to say.

This blog will forever stay up and remind people, of what Sauna did and how much of a shit bag he was to innocent people who couldn't fight back.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Grumpy (Sauna) edits his comments

I've left several comments on Grumpy's blog as Bizarro Grumpy, to show I wasn't "Scared" to leave my name, and each time, he edited the comments and twisted them into what he "thinks" is funny. Normal things a 13 year old would think is funny.

What is even funnier is one of the people compaired him to Your Dungeon Is Suck, and how he doesn't censor comments.  Grumpy came back with

 It is a good thing that James Maliszewski doesn't have the loyal fan base that these guys are trying to defend, otherwise YDIS would be loaded with ass hats.

Have you seen some of the comments on YDIS, and the names of the posters? They fight and bash one another instead of the blog.

So beware, comment with something Sauna thinks is going to hurt him, he will cut and paste it in as a new comment, with his twist.

Grumpy claims not to be Sauna...but he is..

So Grumpy Grognard, who has been unmasked as Saunatonttu on DragonsFoot.org forums, put up a new post about fudging dice rolls and DMs who do it. I will link you his blog post and you can read his bullshit, trying to throw people off post by acting different then Sauna. Here: http://grumpygrognard.blogspot.com/2012/10/cheating-dungeon-masters.html

What's interesting about this post is that, earlier in the day, Sauna started a topic on Dragonsfoot, "[fudge] Kobolds with a Vorpal Sword" located here: I'd link it better, but this computer seems to have a browser glitch today. Anyhow, his post goes on to talking about something very similar. Why don't you follow that link and check out Grumpy's blog post. Interesting huh?


Thursday, October 25, 2012

The truth about Sauna aka Grumpy

Here is a true story about a dickless coward named Sauna! Here is the story about Grumpy Sauna. This summer on Dragonsfoot, Sauna, obsessively hating one Professor Thork, decided to hijack a thread to attack the good professor. The moderators bitch-slapped him with a one month ban. Sauna got all crybaby since he could no longer crap on DF's floor. But inspiration hit him. He renamed himself Grumpy and created this blog so he could crap everywhere! Just compare the dates of Grumpy's first blog post with that of Sauna's last post before he was banned on DF. Grumpy then spent the next several months amusing himself by being a shithead, frequently posting obsessive diatribes about Thork, with numerous sexual references. You see the pattern here. Finally folks had enough and started to give him a taste of his own medicine, trolling him. Grumpy started posting more and got careless. Then on October 22, he posts about 1eonline within an hour of Sauna posting the same general sentiment - minus the sexual crudity - on Dragonsfoot. LOL - Busted! Of course, now that the truth is out Sauna Grumpy is desperately trying to sow confusion. He creates false accounts to add comments to his own post. But when confronted with the facts, did he laugh, or deny it? Nope, he got all paranoid - removing timestamps from his posts - and blustered about how nobody on DF cared and how he would keep on posting here. Whatever. We all know who you are Grumpy Sauna. Whether on this blog or on Dragonsfoot, you are nothing but a pathetic little shit.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Grumpy's blog to him, and to us.


Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry Pussy Hurt Cry Blah Butt Hurt Cry blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah


I am so fucking cool, I use Fuck and shit and whatever else I can come up with, because this stick in my ass feels so good. I feel so powerful, hiding behind a blog and attacking people personally. Its such a good feeling, oh god, I am beating my dick right now. Wow, each load is making my dick feel like its getting bigger. Oh I am such a manly man! No one will find out who I am, I am too smart.

Guess What? We know who you are.

Its legal what he thinks its cool, Illegal when he hates!

Just the other day Drumpy the small dicked wonder, posted a topic about how Prespos, a guy who supports almost anything 1E, and is only trying to promote a game that is out of print, by making things available online for new readers and even older ones.

Apparently on Dragonsfoot, he wanted to link his 1E project, and did it all wrong. I haven't seen his actual site, but if he wrote it in his own words and reworked the charts, he could have put it up. 

Sadly its not, its basically the exact stuff, just moved around and formatted to his liking. That is a no no on most RPG boards, and will result in a warning. Well Apparently (dick)Stumpy, had mixed feelings about it, and basically bashed Prespos, but didn't bash his project. How is his project better then you screaming and yelling about how RFI said its OK to steal post you put up? Well it goes to show who Flumpy (we all know who he really is) is really jealous of hates.

So Rock on and please, Don't forget to view Grumpy's blog and "flick his bean", he really needs it!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Support when its good, hate when I am on the rag!

Today Grumpy Dicknard decided he wanted to post about how he supports an indie-gogo project, because the rag between his legs has dried up and his pussy is clean. So he is back to saying nice things. Why is this of any importance? Well normally he bitches up a storm to no end, with pussy hurt and even complains about how his ass feels raw after he shoves his big dildo up his own ass.
Today's post actually makes me think, he has a personality disorder, or PMS. Since I don't know who he is really, I will guess its PMS, because with a complex like his, its more then likely his dick is so small its more like a large clit.
So everyone, please click on his blog link and "Flick the bean for him"... Everyone needs to get off once in a while.

EDIT: I've created a small little graphic banner to help spread the word. Please feel free to use it and help "flick grumpy's bean" -- everyone needs to get off once in a while.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

It crowd in here!

Me Bizzaro Grumpy here, me want to show how stupid Grumpy be.

Drumpy: "Remember when your favorite forum(s) was focused on a single subject, or maybe two? I was staring at the threads at RPG.net and just amazed how almost every post has pages and pages of responses on subjects. This isn't just RPG.net, I just picked that one for an example. For those not frequenting RPG.net, it is a forum to pretty much discuss any RPG ever made. That is the focus, which is fine but wow do you try to sift through the posts and then the pages within the posts.

BGrumpy: "You sure not know how to use New Post feature. Dick."

Dicklessy: "When you start a forum with the premise of "let's talk about anything", you get anything and everything. That is pretty much the reason I don't go there very much."

BGrumpy: "No worries, me forget address too. Must be all those times daddy over touch us while on computer."

Dumpy: "It is not the people or subjects (they are on cue with the forum's goal), it is just the enormous amounts of threads and responses. Another reason is that my gaming focus is really limited to AD&D mostly so to read about "4E D&D", "Vampire the Horny Bi-Sexual Masquerade", or "Total Drama Island RPG" really doesn't appeal to me."

BGrumpy: "It ok, I understand you can't handle playing mature games with people."

Stumpy: "Some forums start out focused and then bend to public opinion to add more and more. Now you have Dragonsfoot (which I still like to visit) with threads and sections that no longer focus on AD&D. The layout is pretty good though so you can take your machete through the jungle and get to where you want to be. The Knights & Knaves Alehouse has a focus on OSRIC (which inherits AD&D pretty much), which is the home base the the "AncientGaymer Hatin' Rules", but they have a section for OD&D as well (probably due to Matt Finch and his work with Swords & Wizardry). I am not really sure why the K&KA was formed. Some tell tales of them making a huge exodus from Dragonsfoot years ago for whatever reason. Maybe they just wanted a forum that focused on OSRIC development. Whatever the reason, if you are simply interested in AD&D, then that place is pretty much in that zone.

OSRGaming has a good structure with the different D&D sections. It started out to be classic D&D and then they dabbled into other TSR games. Due to public opinion though, they allow Pathfinder, which is basically 3E D&D, which was quoted by Vince as having "poisoned his mind", which Vince made a mad exodus from Dragonsfoot to make OSRGaming. This shift pretty much happened after AncientGamer got banned from every other forum on the planet (I heard he even got banned from the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" forum for telling too much) and OSRGaming was the only place to offer sanctuary. AncientGamer likes Pathfinder, I guess because it is not D&D unless you need a fucking protractor and ruler to play out the combat."

BGrumpy: "blah blah, you try to sound so smart with head up ass." 

Fucky: "The cross posting is fucking annoying as well. Someone will make some new clone or post some bullshit on their blog on the fact that they reviewed  Dangerous Dungeon Crawling In Caves To Get Loot For Blood & Fame and they jump to K&KA, Dragonsfoot, OSRGaming, and even Goblinoid Games to make sure everybody knows they reviewed it. So to all those forum owners that stay focused, I thank you from the bottom of my fucking heart. To the others, well, good luck trying to find the marble in the oatmeal."

BGrumpy: " Look like more shit flying out of mouth. Can't even decide how to insult someone as stupid as you. So again me say take hand off keyboard and give yourself a nice handy."